Daily Salah in Masjid

5 Daily Prayer for all Muslims at the Islamic Centre. For timings please refer page “Prayer Times“.


Friday Jummah Prayer

The mosque organises Jummah (Friday) Prayer for all. The Khutbah (sermon) is in English.


In this day and age, we simply cannot overemphasize the need for our children to be imbued with the necessary moral and religious foundations based upon sound Islamic teachings.

The curriculum covers 4 core subjects:

  • Islamic Studies
  • Memorisation of Key Duas
  • Ahadith and Tafsee and Surahs

Nikah Service

And one of His signs is that He has created for you, spouses from amongst yourselves so that you might take comfort in them and He has placed between you, love and mercy. In this there is surely evidence (of the truth) for the people who carefully think." (Surah 30, Verse 21)

Marriage Solemnisation Family life is the building block of a successful society, and marriage is an occasion of great joy in the Muslim community. Masjid Ikhlas facilitates the solemnisation of an Islamic contract of marriage. The newly-married couple is provided with an official 'Nikah' certificate to show they have been married according to Islamic Law.

For more details on Nikah Services please contact:

TURSTEE NAME  at +44 0000 0000

TURSTEE NAME  at +44 0000 0000

Funeral Service

We have access to a body washing facilities available to anyone who wishes to use it, we also have a system in place involving the local authorities and funeral services which can be arranged with one phone call. Please contact us in case someone near and dear passes away and we will provide help/ advice to make their last journey comfortable with respect and regards in accordance with the muslim Sharia.

We understand this is a difficult time for anyone and planning can be emotional that is why we ask you to be patient when it comes to these arrangements especially at the weekends when most of the council offices are closed. We recommend that two people male and female speak to us where we can sit down and explain the whole process and what steps to take. This can be a testing time but with the right advice and communication we can help ease the process and emotions on loved ones. The masjid has people available day and night who know the correct procedure and have the relevant experience, contacts and information to help you and your families.

For more details on Funeral Services please contact:

TURSTEE NAME  at +44 0000 0000

TURSTEE NAME  at +44 0000 0000