Daily Salah, Education & Services
Our efforts will hopefully be a means of safeguarding our faith, that of our families and future generations to come.

Respected Brothers and Sisters,
Our mission is to establish an Islamic presence of ICPC - Islamic Centre of Plymouth & Cornwall Masjid that is balanced, constructive, and integrated, though distinct, in the social fabric and culture of UK.
Our Vision is to contribute to:
- Making the prevalent understanding of Islam, one of balance, constructive engagement, and relevance to life.
- Integrating the understanding of Islam and Islamic values in society so that Islam and Muslims are not perceived as alien;
- Helping Muslims become well represented in various aspects of society including the social, legal, and political circles, as well as the media; and
- Positioning ourselves at the forefront in articulating this vision, developing leadership, mobilizing grassroots, and offering institutional services in the community.